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2003년은 애플에게 '역사상 가장 중요한 해'??


제가 자주 가는 MacOSRumors 사이트에서 봤습니다. ( http://www.mosr.com )

2003년은 애플에게 '역사상 가장 중요한 해'가 될 것이라고 스티브 잡스가 그렇게 말했다고 하네요.

아울러 최근들어서 인력감축이 계속 있고(T_T) 신제품 발표가 좀 미진한 이유는 2003년에 출시될 제품들에 R&D 비용을 다 쏟아붓고 있기 때문이라는군요. 개인 컴퓨터와 디지털 라이프 기기 부문에 초점을 맞추고 있다는 군요. 특히 디지털 라이프 기기 부문에서는 아이포드와 짝을 이룰 영상관련 제품이 출시되지 않을까 점치고 있군요.

2003년에 업데이트 될 제품으로는 가장 먼저 아이포드와 새로운 디지털 라이프 기기의 출시 그리고 xserve를 꼽고 있네요.

Steve Jobs said earlier this year that 2003 would be the most important year in Apple's history, that it would see several new product introductions and revisions of existing products that will make unprecedented progress in growing Apple's platform -- both in the personal computing space and also in the Digital Lifestyle Device (DLD) arena.

In this past week, in communications to employees regarding significant recent layoffs in certain sectors of Apple, as well as salary freezes to prevent additional layoffs, Jobs reiterated this point. Much of the money saved by the various cost-cutting measures and slowed product revisions this year has gone to R&D on these new products -- Apple's R&D spending is at record levels since Steve's insertion as CEO -- and he seems quite clear on the point that there is serious reason to consider 2003 a turning point for Apple.

Because Apple will be forced to continue to use enhanced G4-class processors throughout most of 2003, it would appear that most of this progress will come in the form of new DLDs and an updated iPod.

Given that Apple has already addressed the Music market (albeit with storage and pricing that both have room to improve in the next few months), it's easy to see that Pictures and Movies are the spaces to watch for new DLDs. We'll be watching closely for developments related to this, but for the time being, we're happy to hear that Steve still believes 2003 will be Apple's best year to date.

Just to answer persistent reader questions (the site hasn't been updated in six days, but we haven't been asleep at the switch; at least 30, and as many as 100, reader e-mails have been answered each of those days - so if our Web site updates aren't answering your questions, email us!)....there will be no updates to the Powerbook for at least five months, and the iBook probably about the same. MWSF will see an iMac update, possibly a new DLD or an updated iPod, and some significant new features (800Mbps Firewire, USB2, 8X AGP, etc) for the Mac which may be in both new desktops, or only in the new PowerMac that we are also expecting.

Also on the docket for early 2003 introductions are an updated Xserve with processors running at up to 1.4GHz (the Xserve had to skip the existing 1.25GHz CPUs because they are too hot - newer PPC 7457 chips will be smaller, cooler, and drain less wattage), and the long-awaited Xserve RAID.

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