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[iPad] ipad 3G


How do i get my iPad 3g sim card? Do i just go to KT or SK?

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로그인 후 추천 또는 비추천하실 수 있습니다.
포인트 4,268
가입일 :
2006-03-30 14:20:30
서명 :
자기소개 :
2006 년도 부터 가입 하고 물론 그전에도 모든 MAC 사용했습니다... Steve Jobs ! Member Since 2006 or so. Lived in SK for over 28 years Used iPhones since it first cane out in 2007.... Steve Jobs will never be forgotten and Apple

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댓글목록 3

이형수님의 댓글

Wifi use only available ^^.
If you really want that
Directly you go to the head office of SK or KT
You will get more information about your questions exactly..

초딩안승준(진짜초딩)님의 댓글

Reef님의 댓글

Thank you!
SK has data sharing Usim!
I wonder if KT has the same?
Anyway, thank you all~